Consistency Is A Key To Success

I made less than an average beginner network marketer my first year in this business. I made less than one in my 2nd year in the business. In my 3rd year, guess what?? Yes that's right I made less than an average beginner as well! When you reach that point, not only do all people around you think you are insane for continuing but you even start to question it yourself. But I continued. This year, I made more money in one day (Black Friday) than I did during my first 3 years in this business!
There's a book called Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell which says that you need to spend 10k hours to become really good at something. It was about 5.5 years into the business when I started to get a little better at it. If you count that out, that's 40 hours a week for about 50 weeks of the year or 2000 hours per year... for five years, that's 10,000 hours. I guess the six months was just my vacation time. So stop beating yourself up for not shooting straight to the top in no time at all. Just stick with it.
When you are persistent there is almost always progress. For the past 12 years, I have made more money every single year than the year before. I give 100% credit to my mindset for this. I have worked on myself every year. I cannot give any credit to anyone else because if I do that then I also put it on them when I fail and I do not think that is fair. Remember, if it's going to be, its up to me.
Make a decision today about what you want to achieve and then make it happen no matter how long it takes. Make that decision today and then be done with it so you do not go back and forth every day on making that decision.