Contribution and Giving can Make a Huge Impact

It’s that time of the year when we celebrate giving. The first thing to consider is do you get more pleasure out of giving presents at Christmas or receiving?
Yesterday, my daughter Adella had her 5th birthday party. The highlight by far was one of her friends giving her some presents. This boy was incredibly excited about all the things he had personally picked out in the shop to give to her. She received many things but to have this be the highlight just shows you that contribution and giving is a key to happiness and success.
I have discussed before about how being a great leader is all about serving people. (Abbie please put the link to that blog on leadership on here)
If you look at some of the wealthiest people in the world today they are all about contributing and giving back. Examples: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Giving Pledge, the Open Society Foundations, Azim Premji Foundation, the Atlantic Philanthropies and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to name a few.
If you send out good into the world you will get it all back in some shape or form. If you have the contribution mentality and you act on it then you will always send out great energy. This energy is what I believe will work it’s magic and you will receive so much back. I am not a big tattoo guy but I do really like that my brother-in-law Rhys has a KARMA tattoo. He is one of the kindest people I know and always tends to receive so much in life because of his giving attitude.
Contribution Goal
One of the keys to my success in sports growing up was always setting super specific goals and then dreaming about them. I would do the exact same thing in school and really focus and visualize attaining certain grades. The network marketing industry has really made me focus more on goal setting in all parts of life. One of those categories is how much do you want to give per year.
Early on in my business I heard of people donating back as much as 20% to charities and especially our company initiative Nourish the Children. I take pride in feeding thousands of kids per month from my business. I also donate quite a substantial amount every month to feeding malnourished kids.
Start today with making a goal of how much of your income you are going to donate. Start today even if you only make £20 this month you can donate 5% which would be a pound. If you cannot contribute with money then start with donating knowledge or time.
Have a look at my wife’s challenge The Quiet Kind

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AUTHOR: Daniel Norell
Daniel Norell teaches people how to make money with Instagram and Facebook. He teaches ways in which you can grow your following by 50-250 followers per day and then monetize your following. If you love to have fun and work with like-minded people, then talk to this chatbot: or have a browse around the website: