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Focus on Building Your Business Locally to See Faster Growth

Have you ever had someone in your team who is not close to you and they say they wished they had someone local to work with?

Have you ever looked at pics online of other people who get together with their teams to do recruiting etc together? Have you ever been a bit jealous of this?

Have you ever sponsored anyone in another country and had to learn loads of new rules about how the business works there?

Let me share with you a few examples of idiotic moves I made in the very beginning.

First let me share that I would always encourage you to sponsor anyone who is interested in joining no matter how far away. However, the focus should be local.

My first decent and serious person was based in Paris. I was a three hour car journey from him. So every time he had someone interested I would plan a trip to be there a few days. It was not super convenient. Also, it was quite expensive to go there just for a few meetings.

The next good person I was working with was based in Switzerland and this was also an unopened market at the time. This is now a five hour drive and here I could not even stay with my cousin like I did in Paris. So accommodation and the trip was even more expensive.

If you want to build a team in Australia while living in the UK - the challenges you have with this one other than that when they are awake you are sleeping and vice versa. They have a few different products there and all the prices are different. Right now in our opportunity there is a different compensation plan there as well. Do you see how this just creates loads and loads of challenges on top of the normal every day challenges of hearing rejection every day.

Once I moved to London I started having success as I was able to build relationships and it takes people 5-10-15 touches before they get going. So a lot easier to do locally. Also you can become great friends if building locally.

One example is Guy Rowley who would show up at my house every day for the first few years of working together. We were not only business partners but also became very good friends. I am convinced that we would not be business partners today if it was not because of us being so close and working together almost every single day.

I will never say do not help your team and build in a country far away like Australia. However, my recommendation is to focus where you are at so you can build locally. The advantage is that you can create a fun culture and build up a friendship and trust to another level.

Challenge for you:

Focus a lot of your efforts in the next few weeks to sponsor a few people who are living very close to you. Speak to all your neighbors. Have you walked into all the local businesses to where you live to network and let them know what you are doing? Please do take a picture of your new business partner and send it to me when you have someone who is local.


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AUTHOR: Daniel Norell

Daniel Norell teaches people how to make money with Instagram and Facebook. He teaches ways in which you can grow your following by 50-250 followers per day and then monetize your following. If you love to have fun and work with like-minded people, then talk to this chatbot: or have a browse around the website:

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