Realistic Time Frames of Building a Profitable Business

Give it 3 years
World class takes 10,000 hours
Think long term
Do NOT be discouraged after year 1
Keep improving and getting better every single day
One of my favorite books is the Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. In there he talks about the different paths for three guys who have small changes in their habits every day. Great habits repeated every day over a longer period of time can create amazing results. The same can be said for a few bad habits. You do not see a massive difference in year 1 or maybe not even in year 2 but after 5 years you see a massive difference.

Today’s millennials want results even faster and they are talking weeks instead of years. This makes our business a bit more challenging. Yes social media has changed the game completely and what took me about 5 years I am seeing people do in 5 days with the right social media connections. Let’s say that you do not have those incredible connections you would need to adopt long term thinking to have success in any business. My mom built a very successful business but she did not see a good profit until year 4. The book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell discusses the 10,000 hour rule. This rule says you become world class after doing something for about 10,000 hours. If you were to spend 3 hours a day every single day of the year then after 9 years you will be world class. I still feel that after being a network marketer for 12 years and working way more than 3 hours for most of those I am still not world class. However, I do make a decent living. For me it happened in year seven. One of my early mistakes I made was my 1 year goals were outrageous. I had no business creating those goals as I had never sold a product in my life and I had no clue what network marketing was. I did not even really like speaking to people. I have now achieved almost every goal I set out to that first year but still have a few things to accomplish to reach my initial three year goals. Your challenge: Set out 1 year and 5 year goals. Make sure your 1 year goals are smaller than you would like and your 5 year goals are bigger than you can imagine. Then take MASSIVE ACTION to go get that big 5 year goal.
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