Dealing With Negative People When Building Your Network Marketing Business

I am allergic to negative people. Therefore I walk around sneezing all day long as I come across loads of them... No seriously, you have to protect yourself a bit by surrounding yourself with as many positive people as you can. However, in our industry you will all have to deal with the haters, the dream stealers and the ones who are convinced you have gone bonkers by joining a scam.
Never take it too personally. There is usually a story behind why they are very negative towards your business. You cannot change others you can only change how you react to them. Every day work on your mindset so you can handle these situations by laughing them off.
What do you do when your partner or close family member is negative towards network marketing?
My wife originally joined me but quickly decided it was not for her. She was also quite against me continuing to do this especially after a few years of no success. We had a lot of challenging conversations and actually ended up splitting up a few times because of it. It is incredibly challenging building something when the person you love the most does not support you. This is when you need to really make it work to prove them wrong. At least let them know in a conversation that you love them and you would like for them to support you even if they do not agree with it. It makes you happy and excited and that should be enough for them to say fine you can do this.
Not Just Network Marketing
When I first started building my network marketing business I really did not understand why everyone was not supportive. I totally got why they did not want to do it but why would they be negative about it? Later on when my sister started a traditional business she felt the same way. So it was not just the pyramid scam - let’s get all your friends to join thing that put people off. You starting any business apparently creates haters out of half your friends and family. Maybe they just do not want you to do something different. Especially if you are going to succeed.
When you come across super negative people ask questions to get them to explain. Never argue with them or try to prove your point. Just be on there side instead and keep the door open long term. Prove to them in the long term that you are going to be successful by never giving up and making it work.
Think of someone in your life who is quite negative who you can reduce the time you spend with. Do it!
Think of someone in your life who is positive who you can spend more time with. Do it!
Next time someone is negative just ask questions to find out why.
Never ever argue with people who do not agree with what you are doing.
Go build a massive business and prove them all wrong!
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AUTHOR: Daniel Norell
Daniel Norell teaches people how to make money with Instagram and Facebook. He teaches ways in which you can grow your following by 50-250 followers per day and then monetize your following. If you love to have fun and work with like-minded people, then talk to this chatbot: or have a browse around the website: