How to Change Your Life in Less than a Year in Network Marketing with Perrie Walker
Having a best friend in the business is so important for long term success.

Ever since I started my network marketing journey I was told to have a best friend in the business by Millionaire Training Circle founder Dan McCormick. Check out his Facebook page here for the weekly calls:
My first best friend was my brother Ric. He was always there for me in my first 2.5 years of struggles. If he was not there I would have quit early on. He just motivated me to do more every day. We have always been close and even though we often clash we see past those differences and just have fun together.

Once I moved to London it took me four months to find my first active distributor who also became my next “best friend” - Guy Rowley. Guy and I locked arms in the personal development journey. We would read the same books, listen to the same audios and met up almost every day to build up our foundations in the business. We will forever be great friends even if today we do not work as closely together. Guy has a massive team and many people to be his new best friend in the business but of course we speak every week still.

Several years later my best bud in the business became Ben Kilner. We used to sit in the backroom of the Nu Skin Spark Centre in London and just hammer the phones back and forth. We became immune to hearing no while cold calling. We had so much fun with it all and that is what this is all about.
The one downside hanging out with Ben is that you always end up looking like a fool! Here are just a couple of the 5 to 10 times we dressed up on stage.

A little over two years ago I started working with Perrie Walker. Something just clicked with our energies. She just had that fire inside of her that really motivated me to do more. Perrie is quite far down in my organization so we do not even really benefit financially from each other. However, we do learn a lot from each other and more than anything we have a lot of fun working together.
Perrie and I have extremely different backgrounds but we are best buds in the business. You can also find that friend in the business who is going to make you do more every day. Someone who gets you fired up over small things. Someone who does not quit on the day you want to quit and therefore brings you up to be more positive. Once you have that friend in the business just like Steve Jobs had Steve Wozniak and Bill Gates had Paul Allen you also need to have your buddy!

A quick bio of Perrie:
Perrie went to the top of our compensation plan in less than a year something that took me 11 years. She was able to leave her job in a call centre and today lives her dream life with her boyfriend Ricci in Belfast.
This opportunity has enabled Perrie to travel the world and speak on big stages in front of thousands of people. She is incredibly inspiring and I do suggest you follow her blog on here:
Challenge to you:
Find that best friend in the business. It does not have to be an upline or downline. You just need to get on well business wise and speak on that phone multiple times a day to bounce energies off each other.
Check out this incredible interview with Perrie on her top tips:
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AUTHOR: Daniel Norell
Daniel Norell teaches people how to make money with Instagram and Facebook. He teaches ways in which you can grow your following by 50-250 followers per day and then monetize your following. If you love to have fun and work with like-minded people, then talk to this chatbot: or have a browse around the website: